Tell HCA Healthcare to not raise their prices!

Fill out the form below to contact HCA Healthcare leadership: 


HCA Healthcare, a $65 billion for-profit health system with facilities in 21 states—including Memorial Satilla Health, Doctors Hospital, Fairview Park Hospital, Memorial Health Meadows Hospital, and Memorial University Medical Center here in Georgia—is threatening to disrupt access to these five hospitals, affecting tens of thousands of patients in Georgia, unless they receive rate increases double the rate of inflation from Georgia’s employers and consumers.

Georgians currently give HCA $1.6 billion annually, paying very high prices. Patients receiving care at three HCA-owned hospitals in Georgia are being charged rates three times higher than what Medicare pays for the same service. 

With prices like these, it’s no wonder HCA Healthcare hauled $5.2 billion in profit last year and is “predicting growth” again this year. Apparently, using strongarm tactics like threatening patient access to their facilities is part of that growth strategy. Tell HCA Healthcare to put patients over profits and come to a reasonable deal with Anthem today!

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